Critical Race Theory Summer School

Submitted by Sahar Aziz on Thu, 08/05/2021 - 02:21

 The African American Policy Forum is hosting a five-day course on Critical Race Theory that will feature leading critical race scholars providing accessible instruction in a mixed-presentational format.  What is Critical Race Theory and why has it become the center of an intense political attack? How are the central ideas of CRT being distorted and to what end?  To what extent is the attack on CRT part of a broader effort to recast anti-racist teaching, learning, and political organizing as racism? How can we mobilize against this ongoing assault and save our democracy? 

Desiree Adaway: What exactly is Critical Race Theory?


Join fellow teachers, journalists, labor unions, parent groups, students, researchers, DEI practitioners, faith-based organizers, and others in exploring these questions and helping to shape a movement for a robust multiracial democracy.  Daily sessions will feature plenaries with leading CRT experts from the law, education, community organizing, policy and other fields as well as breakout sessions to give participants opportunities to share and develop strategies and practices to expand multiracial democracy and justice. 

The Summer School core faculty are Kimberlé Crenshaw, Devon Carbado, Sumi Cho, Luke Charles Harris, Daniel Martinez HoSang, and Gary Peller. Associate faculty will include Jennifer Chacón, Anthony Cook, Justin Hansford, Cheryl Harris, Tanya Hernández, Emily Houh, CJ Hunt, Gloria Ladson-Billings, Viet Thanh Nguyen, Priscilla Ocen, Russell Robinson, Kirsten West Savali, David Stovall, and Ezra Young.

Registration is available at: 


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