2023 Student Scholar Fund Grantees: Making a Difference in Diverse Fields

Submitted by Alexander Gray on Thu, 01/11/2024 - 13:14

By Alexander Gray
January 11, 2023

The Student Scholar Fund has been a catalyst for impactful projects, supporting passionate individuals in their pursuit of fighting for equity. Let's delve into the stories of four of our outstanding summer 2023 grantees and the remarkable projects they undertook.

Sommer Blair: Addressing Whiteness in Churches

Project Overview:
Sommer's project, titled "How to Address Whiteness in Churches: A Facilitated Discussion," aimed to confront the challenges faced by multiracial churches, specifically addressing the dominance of whiteness within them.

Key Milestones:
She successfully conducted interviews with pastors from diverse racial congregations in Pittsburgh, analyzed qualitative data, and facilitated a discussion on the role of social workers in addressing church segregation. These milestones aligned seamlessly with the project's goals, showcasing a well-executed research endeavor.

Challenges and Learning Experiences:
Logistical complexities in arranging interviews were a significant challenge. Sommer addressed this by employing effective communication strategies, flexible scheduling, and persistence. This experience emphasized the importance of adaptability and perseverance in research endeavors.

Impact of the Grant:
The grant played a crucial role in facilitating travel, transcription services, and venue arrangements for the discussion. These financial contributions significantly enhanced the project's quality and scope, enabling comprehensive data gathering and meaningful discussions.

China McEachron: Advocating for Girls' Education Justice

Project Overview:
China interned with the Education Law Center of PA, focusing on the Girls Education Justice Initiative and exclusionary discipline team. Her work involved client intake, drafting factsheets, and contributing to a complaint regarding hair discrimination.

Key Achievements:
China's research contributed to a complaint filed with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission, addressing hair discrimination. She also worked on the organization's statement regarding the use of suspensions and expulsions in public schools.

Challenges and Learning Experiences:
Discovering how charter schools shirk responsibility was a major challenge. China assisted in compiling discriminatory policies for presentation to the School District of Philadelphia, emphasizing the need for correcting such policies.

Impact of the Grant:
The grant allowed China to devote her time to the internship without seeking additional employment. This support was vital for the Education Law Center of PA, contributing to their mission of ensuring a fair and equal public education for all.

Bianca DeBellis: Exploring Trauma and School Disciplinary Practices

Project Overview:
Bianca's dissertation project explores the intersection of trauma, racial, and gender disproportionalities in school disciplinary practices. The project aims to implement direct mental health interventions within a restorative framework for trauma-affected youth.

Project Progress:
With the literature review complete and methods being finalized, Bianca is preparing for data collection in the coming months.

Challenges and Learning Experiences:
Community partnerships and selecting the right measures posed challenges. Bianca learned that utilizing faculty expertise as support strengthens the work.

Impact of the Grant:
The grant enables Bianca to compensate participating students, something that wouldn't have been possible without the funding.

Benjamin Blanks: Advocating for the Indigent Community

Project Overview:
Benjamin worked at the Allegheny County Office of the Public Defender, focusing on clients deemed incompetent to stand trial.

Key Achievements:
He gained valuable writing experience, helped clients in rehab facilities, and drafted memos on juvenile incarceration harms and ethical representation of mentally incompetent clients.

Challenges and Learning Experiences:
The brutal self-honesty required in public defense work was a challenge. Benjamin highlighted the importance of understanding the negative impacts of incarceration while aiming for positive outcomes.

Impact of the Grant:
The grant eliminated financial concerns, allowing Benjamin to focus on the project without the need for additional employment. This support enhanced the overall project.

In conclusion, the Student Scholar Fund has empowered these grantees to make significant strides in their respective fields. Their dedication and the impact of the grant funding highlight the importance of supporting individuals committed to positive change.

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